DRC implements a number of attitude and behavior surveys using survey tools designed to measure multiple aspects of respondents’ experiences, opinions, and behaviors. Results often inform policy decisions or track changes over time.
DRC provides attitude and behavior surveys in multiple modes, based on the needs of individual clients. Advantages of working with DRC include:
Large-Scale Project Management—Attitude and behavior surveys often target complex sample groups. DRC has the experience and capacity to manage high-volume projects with multiple sample populations. For a survey of college freshmen conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA, DRC prints and ships annually approximately 600,000 surveys to 600 colleges and universities. We receive orders for survey booklets electronically from UCLA and maintain a database to track surveys sent to each institution and to log survey returns.
Long-Term Client Relationships—Survey programs that study changes over time can benefit from long-term partnerships between clients and service providers. DRC’s client base has been with us for an average of 8.3 years. For HERI we administer surveys created to assess changes in higher education practices across decades. DRC has partnered with HERI for over 10 years and has provided consistently high-quality services to ensure successful outcomes.
Experience Measuring Qualitative Indicators—The attitudes and experiences of survey respondents are often difficult to translate into easily measurable terms. DRC supports survey programs that study qualitative aspects of experience. For the Search Institute’s Me and My World Survey, DRC administers a survey instrument that looks at the need of elementary-age youth for positive relationships and opportunities and measures the linkages between these assets and youth risk behavior and thriving indicators.