DRC offers services in program management and evaluation. We work with our clients to determine goals and design programs that can best meet their needs.
Evaluation of Services—A program evaluation study can produce valuable information for improving services and partnerships. For Pfizer Animal Health Referral, DRC designed and implemented a research study that assists specialty veterinarians in understanding the needs of pet-owning customers referred to them from primary veterinarian clinics. This study helps specialty veterinarians to understand the referral behaviors of primary veterinarians and improve their service to primary veterinarian clinics.
Program Conversion—Program evaluation can be a vital tool for clients planning to alter an existing program. DRC conducted a feasibility study for the South Carolina Department of Education on converting the state’s educational assessment programs to a computer-based or computer-adaptive format. DRC assembled a cross-functional team of over a dozen experts to design and deliver the study, which assisted the department in shaping the future of its testing programs.
Innovative Data Collection Tools—A program management and evaluation partner can also assist in updating or expanding data collection programs. DRC has a longstanding partnership with Subaru of America to measure and report on customer satisfaction. We were instrumental in researching, designing, and deploying an innovative system to help Subaru recover customers whose survey scores indicated low levels of satisfaction. Most recently, DRC has partnered with Subaru to completely update their customer satisfaction measurement survey and build easy-to-use dashboard displays that enable users to drill down into results with little or no training. The end result is an enterprise reporting system that drives and shapes day-to-day decision-making at all levels of the organization.