DRC Announces Partnership between the TABE Test and LiteracyPro Systems’ LACES to Provide Seamless Data Integration for Student Test Scores

Minneapolis, April 1, 2019 – Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) today announced a new partnership between DRC’s TABE® adult basic education assessments and LiteracyPro Systems’ LACES premier online student data management system. The partnership will provide data integration with support for automatic transfers of all student testing scores between TABE 11&12 and LACES, required for federal accountability and reporting.

“Our new, integrated solution will automatically transfer all online and paper/pencil student assessment results from TABE 11&12 directly into the LACES system on a daily basis,” said Marcus Ripp, Product Director for TABE. “This is a significant time saver for adult education professionals who use both TABE and LACES, since it eliminates the burden of having to manually enter scores into the LACES system.”

The previous process required educators to hand-enter students’ scores from the TABE tests into the LACES data system. The new automated process not only saves time for test centers, but provides an added layer of security and reliability for customers.

“Sending the scores electronically helps ensure the integrity of the data by reducing the errors that can happen with manual data entry,” said David Miller, CEO of LiteracyPro Systems. “The automated transfer is secure and reliable.”

All TABE 11&12 test results will be available in the LACES system within 24 hours. Customers have the flexibility to generate reports on demand, meeting the need for timely reporting to help secure federal funding.

“The new process is quicker and more convenient for our customers,” added Ripp. “We see this as one of the biggest benefits of data integration with TABE and LACES.”

TABE 11&12
TABE 11&12 is the latest edition of DRC’s Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) assessment for adult learners. For over 50 years, TABE has been a well-respected assessment tool for use in adult education. Today, TABE remains the most comprehensive and reliable assessment product in the adult education industry, providing a solid foundation for effectively assessing the skills and knowledge of adult learners. TABE 11&12 is 100% aligned to the new College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. TABE 11&12 also aligns strongly to the TASC Test Assessing Secondary Completion™ and other high school equivalency (HSE) exams. TABE 11&12 and the TASC test are delivered on the same online testing platform—the DRC INSIGHT™ Online Learning System.

To learn more about TABE 11&12, visit www.tabetest.com.

LACES (Literacy, Adult and Community Education System) is the pinnacle of online student data management software. Engineered for providers of literacy, Adult Basic Education (ABE), and correctional education programs, LACES allows users to easily set baselines, seamlessly track program progress and student goals, and deliver high-quality results and streamline data reporting to state and federal agencies. Over 1,000 agencies, representing a total of 26 state departments of Education, Corrections, Community Colleges and Labor, are using LACES on a statewide basis.

Learn more about LiteracyPro Systems and LACES at https://literacypro.com/​.

About Data Recognition Corporation
For decades, DRC has maintained a tradition of excellence in educational assessment publication, administration, and reporting. DRC offers assessments for the pre-K, K–12, and adult education markets, across the U.S. and internationally. DRC customers include state and national government agencies; public, private, and charter schools and districts; and other educational organizations. DRC serves millions of students and education professionals across the nation, and delivers assessments to more than 50,000 schools, districts, and testing centers in all 50 states, 3 U.S. territories, the District of Columbia, and international locations.

DRC assessments have passed rigorous reviews at the state and federal level, and for more than 50 years, the Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE®) have been the premier measure of achievement used by educators, states, employers, and correctional facilities to assess the knowledge and skills of adult learners. In addition to TABE, DRC publishes TerraNova®, LAS Links®, TASC Test Assessing Secondary Completion™, and the DRC BEACON Interim Assessment. DRC also delivers custom, K–12 statewide assessment programs for states across the nation.

For more information on DRC, visit www.datarecognitioncorp.com​.

Copyright © 2019 Data Recognition Corporation. All right reserved. TABE, TerraNova, and LAS Links are registered trademarks and DRC INSIGHT is a trademark of Data Recognition Corporation.